Thinking about switching to an eBike?

Whether you’re an avid cyclist or a casual one, you’ll have noticed electric bikes on your travels. Chances are, you’re probably seeing them more regularly as they’re becoming ever more popular with sales rising year on year. If you’ve been thinking about getting one but worried they’re a bit of a cheat, this blog will help you see them in a whole new light. We’ve put together a short list of the main reasons why an eBike might be right for you.

eBikes can make you fitter

Cycling an electric bike isn’t as strenuous as a normal bike. But it’s not self-powered, you are still pedalling and using a fair amount of energy to move. In fact, studies have estimated that your heart can be working only 10% less than using a non-electric bike. Which means you’re still getting all the health benefits of cycling, only with less effort. One way to think about it is that you’re using less energy than using a standard bike, but more than if you were walking. There’s also the fact that you’ll probably go further and use an eBike more often, which will add up to just as much physical activity as using pedal power.

You won’t get left behind on an eBike

Do you cycle with a group and find you’re having trouble keeping up? Well, an eBike can make all the difference. It’ll help you keep pace as you can ride faster with quicker acceleration and the ability to get up hills with ease as the motor kicks in and gives you that extra bit of assistance you need. You won’t feel like you’re holding anyone back. And who knows, some of those cyclists normally in the lead might end up slowing you down!

You’ll go further on an eBike

As it’s easier to cycle an electric bike, you’ll find yourself making longer journeys and discovering new places. This includes cycling to spots that you might previously have not even considered due to the climb needed to reach them. The distance you travel is partly dependent on the specifications of your bike, but as technology keeps improving, distances are extending. And you can always take a second battery which significantly extends your range.

Less risk of hurting yourself

Using an eBike gets you to your destination no sweat – literally! This is because you’re using less effort, so you won’t get as hot and sweaty, with less time needed to recover at the end of your journey. Which is good news if you’re commuting to work. More importantly, you’re not putting as much stress on your body. So, less chance of getting a muscle or joint injury. It’s also less strain on your heart compared to using a non-electric bike.

eBikes can save you money

If you’re currently not cycling to work, an electric bike might offer enough benefits to convince you to leave the car at home or hop onto a bike rather than the bus or train. Obviously, an eBike is more expensive than your standard bike, but you can reduce the cost through the Cycle to Work scheme that could save you up to 42% off the cost. Alternatively, you can get electric bike conversion kits that turn your existing bike into an electric one.

We hope that we’ve convinced you that an eBike is a worthwhile option whether it’s for serious cycling, casual country rides or your daily commute. There are lots of options out there, so you’re sure to find the right one for you and your needs.
